Forward Together
Dec. 12 update: Congrats to Karrenthya Simmons, our next ANC commissioner! Please see my full statement here.
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I’m running for ANC commissioner for one simple reason: I love our community! Whether I’m checking out the farmer’s market on a sunny Saturday morning, mingling at a Lafayette parent event, or just bumping into friends on a Connecticut Avenue stroll, I find our neighbors kind, thoughtful, and engaging. I feel fortunate every day to live here. As your commissioner I am committed to channeling the spirit, and upholding the values, that define our neighborhood.
Chevy Chase is a vibrant and special place, but it cannot run on auto-pilot. Advisory neighborhood commissioners play a vital role in maintaining a safe community for our families, promoting our small businesses, and holding our councilmembers and the mayor accountable. As your commissioner, I will never lose sight of the mission.
A dynamic neighborhood like ours is naturally home to passionate people. We are not always going to agree on everything. But our shared experiences and goals are far stronger than the occasional issue that divides us. You deserve a commissioner who will listen to all sides carefully and take a reasoned approach to addressing neighborhood concerns. A vote for me is a vote for civility, thoughtful leadership, and devotion to constituent service.
I invite you to check out my bio and check back for more website content and updates as the campaign progresses.